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Take the Chess Openings Quiz to qualify for free training software.

From:  Michael Leahy
"The Database Specialist that Grandmasters Go To"

You are probably being outplayed regularly in the chess opening.

I know.

Years ago, I would saunter into the Dark Horse Chess Club where I was regularly decimated by other players in the chess opening. My nemesis worked as a grave digger, and he boasted that his job allowed him to study chess for 4 hours every day!

How could I compete with someone who could study chess openings for 4 hours a day?!

I got so tired of having my hat handed to me over and over again in the opening that back in 1984 I handcrafted a DOS program that would test me on chess openings.

Soon after that, my fellow club members started to fear me.

"Bookup is simply the best way to study chess and it is incredibly useful in chess openings preparation.  Bookup is one of the most user-friendly programs I've seen, written by the most user-friendly programmers I've ever met.  It's great stuff!"

-- Grandmaster Peter Svidler
Russian Champion 1994, 1995, 1997, 2003

It's not rocket science, but you're about to download the latest software that makes it fun to learn chess opening theory — and it will make you a stronger player in a few short weeks.

With the free version of Chess Openings Wizard Lite you'll get...

With the $47 Chess Openings Wizard Express version you'll get...

With the $147 Chess Openings Wizard Professional version you'll get...

The free Chess Openings Wizard Lite is a wonderful PGN viewer, a great free way to store and review your games as well as learn openings fast.